Jenis Panel Surya : Solar Cells Type |
Jenis panel suryaPanel surya / solar cell mengubah intensitas sinar matahari menjadi energi listrik. Panel surya / solar cell menghasilkan arus yang digunakan untuk mengisi baterai. Panel surya / solar cell terdiri dari photovoltaic, yang menghasilkan listrik dari intensitas cahaya, saat intensitas cahaya berkurang (berawan, hujan, mendung) arus listrik yang dihasilkan juga akan berkurang. Dengan menambah panel surya / solar cell (memperluas) berarti menambah konversi tenaga surya. Umumnya panel surya / solar cell dengan ukuran tertentu memberikan hasil tertentu pula. Contohnya ukuran a cm x b cm menghasilkan listrik DC (Direct Current) sebesar x Watt per hour/ jam.
Jenis panel surya / solar cell :
More recently, improvements in a-Si construction techniques have made them more attractive for large-area solar cell use as well. Here their lower inherent efficiency is made up, at least partially, by their thinness - higher efficiencies can be reached by stacking several thin-film cells on top of each other, each one tuned to work well at a specific frequency of light. This approach is not applicable to c-Si cells, which are thick as a result of their construction technique and are therefore largely opaque, blocking light from reaching other layers in a stack. The main advantage of a-Si in large scale production is not efficiency, but cost. a-Si cells use approximately 1% of the silicon needed for typical c-Si cells, and the cost of the silicon is by far the largest factor in cell cost. However, the higher costs of manufacture due to the multi-layer construction have, to date, make a-Si unattractive except in roles where their thinness or flexibility are an advantage. |