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Types of Solar Cell: Solar Cells Type


Type of solar cell

Solar cell to change the intensity of sunlight into electrical energy. Solar cell produces current used to charge the battery.

Solar cell consists of photovoltaic, which generate electricity from light intensity, the intensity of light decreases (cloudy, rainy, cloudy) the electric current generated will also decrease.

By adding a solar cell (expand) means adding solar power conversion. Generally a solar cell with a certain size provide specific results as well. For example the size of a cm xB cm electric generating DC (Direct Current) for x Watts per hour / hours.

Efficiency of Power Changes


Cost Remarks
Very Good
Very Good Good
Use Purpose Area
Very Good Very Good
Suitable for mass production in the future
Good Enough
Good Enough
Works well in fluorescent lighting
Daily & commercial device (calculator)

Compound (GaAs)

Very Good
Very Good Good Enough
Weight and Fragile
Use in outer space


Types of solar cells:
Polycrystalline (Poly-crystalline)
Is the solar cell having a random crystalline structure. Compound type requires a larger surface area compared with other types monokristal to generate the same power, but can produce electricity at the time was cloudy.

Monokristal (Mono-crystalline)
Panel is the most efficient, producing widespread power of the most high unity. Have efficiencies up to 15%. The downside of this type of panel is not functioning properly in place which is less sun light (shaded), the efficiency would drop drastically in cloudy weather.

Amorphous silicon (a-Si) has been used as a photovoltaic solar cell material for calculators for some time. Although they are lower performance than traditional c-Si solar cells, this is not important in calculators, which use very low power. a-Si's ability to be easily deposited during construction more than makes up for any downsides.

More recently, improvements in a-Si construction techniques have made them more attractive for large-area solar cell use as well. Here their lower inherent efficiency is made up, at least partially, by their thinness - higher efficiencies can be reached by stacking several thin-film cells on top of each other, each one tuned to work well at a specific frequency of light. This approach is not applicable to c-Si cells, which are thick as a result of their construction technique and are therefore largely opaque, blocking light from reaching other layers in a stack.

The main advantage of a-Si in large scale production is not efficiency, but cost. a-Si cells use approximately 1% of the silicon needed for typical c-Si cells, and the cost of the silicon is by far the largest factor in cell cost. However, the higher costs of manufacture due to the multi-layer construction have, to date, make a-Si unattractive except in roles where their thinness or flexibility are an advantage.