APPLICATION: * TELECOM Towers * Buildings * BRIDGES * Chimneys * OHTL Towers ADVANTAGES: * ENERGY SAVING * MAINTENANCE FREE * LONG LIFE UP TO 100 000 HOURS History of obstruction lamp / indicator lamp Indicator light flights from Europe and the United States in the early 1920s, when airlines started to run at night. It is important to realize that the barriers should be lit to prevent collisions. Various lighting schemes run in many places, not like a standard which is currently obtained through ICAO. Definition Light, which indicates the presence of dangerous objects in flight. La, pu indicator shall be installed at the highest point of the wind cone assembly to avoid enclosed by other parts when viewed from above. Special lighting to provide a means of showing the existence of barriers, especially at night or in a bad situation. Indicator lights, or one group of lights, usually red or white, visible 360 degrees, and often mounted on structures or natural areas to warn the pilot that there are barriers. Indicators marked with a flight-resistant red flashing beacons (20 to 40 blinks per minute) and lights that remain lit during night operations and aviation orange and white paint when the flights on weekdays. It can also be characterized by high intensity white obstruction lights in the daytime with the intensity decreases at dusk and at night during the operation. In this case, the use of orange and white signs for daytime operations may be omitted. Medium-intensity white indicator light can be used in daytime and night, with reduced intensity of the selected automatically for night operations. Currently the system uses the structure of 500 feet (150 m) AGL (above ground level) or less, other methods as signs and lighting structures can be eliminated. Aviation orange and white paint is always required for daytime operations on the structure of more than 500 feet (150 m) AGL. This system is usually not installed on structures less than 200 feet (60 m) AGL. In certain cases, dual high-intensity lighting and the flash can be used in daylight, blinking red aviation beacons and steady burning aviation red lights can be used. Signs of light available to enhance vision at night from a high voltage (69 kV or higher) transmission line lamp cord. Signs of light provides visibility between day and night. Type lamp OBL-series indicator light are designed to use ultra-light LED light using less power for life and MTBF over 100,000 hours. This lamp is available in this type of DC input and AC input that can be installed in and around the airport or based on high-rise structures (eg buildings and telecommunication towers). OBL Series obstruction lights meet ICAO standards and recommended in the design of type A and B *. Replacing incandescent light bulbs indicators conventional use of light emitting diodes (LEDs) in the illumination unit. Indicator lights include the first plurality of LEDs connected in series. The first plurality of LEDs mounted on a vertical metal cylinder that provides a plurality of first LED heat sink. The lens is configured to cover the first plurality of LEDs and a vertical metal cylinder. The base metal is provided on the first plurality of LEDs, vertical metal cylinders, and the lens is in the "mount". Furthermore, the clamp is configured to cover the lens to the bottom of the metal. A second plurality of LEDs can be connected electrically independently of the first plurality of LEDs and can be mounted on a vertical metal cylinder. A wire housing can be configured to attach the metal base to provide an electrical connection with the first and / or second plurality of LEDs. The adapter can be configured to attach the metal base of bulb housing and the existing obstacles. Vertical metal cylinders, including circuit boards that run to the first drive configuration and / or second plurality of LEDs. The first plurality of high power LED. LED and the second plurality of LEDs can reduce power and provided for aesthetic purposes and not to provide the power of light. Lens: Medium Intensity 5 mm glass thickness Housing: aluminum alloy Light source: single Luxeon III LED Color: aviation red Life time: 100,000 hours Light intensity: greater than 10 cd Power supply: 100-240VAC or 6-12 VDC [OBL 1] Power consumption: less than 5 W Protection degree: IP65 Light modes: Fixed or flashing Working temperature:-20o to 60oC Dimension: 180mm (H) x 130 mm (he) Weight: 1.5kg aprrox Warranty: 5 years [OBL 2] Optional: solar system to protect MDP Kit Panel of BTS from current induction high lightning Descriptions: GC-200 is a low intensity type A obstacle light to mark the presence of tall structures That May present hazards to air navigation at night time. It has a light intensity greater than 10 cd as ICAO standards.
