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How Solar Charge Controller Works

Solar charge controller, is an important component in the Solar Power Plant. Solar charge controller functions to:

* Charging mode: Charging the battery (when the battery is charged, keep charging the battery if full).
* Operation mode: Use the battery to the load (service disconnected the battery to the load if the batteries have started to 'empty').

Solar Charge Controller Charging Mode

In charging mode, the battery is generally charged with three stage charging method:

* Phase bulk: the batteries will be in-charge in accordance with the voltage set-up (bulk - between 4.14 - 6.14 Volt) and taken in a maximum flow from the solar cell. At the time of the battery voltage is already on the setup (bulk) absorption phase begins.
* Phase absorption: In this phase, the battery voltage will be maintained in accordance with the bulk stress, until the solar charge controller timer (typically one hour) is reached, the current flowed down to reach the capacity of the battery.
* Phase flloat: batteries will be maintained at a float voltage setting (typically 4.13 - 7.13 Volt). Expenses connected to the battery can use a maximum flow from the solar cell at this stage.

Stage charging solar controller
Battery Temperature Sensor

For solar charge controller which is equipped with a battery temperature sensor. Charging voltage is adjusted with the temperature of the battery. With this sensor obtained from the optimum and optimum charging of the battery life.

If the solar charge controller does not have a battery temperature sensor, then the charging voltage should be regulated, adjusted for ambient temperature and battery type.
Solar Charge Controller Mode Operation

In this mode, the battery will serve the load. If there is over-discharge ataun over-load, then the battery will be released from the load. It is useful to prevent damage from battery.